Pointless API Docs

pointless/prelude/numerical.ptls (source)

sum(list) link
Get the sum of a list of numbers

range(a, b) link
Get a list of numbers:
  [a, a + 1, a + 2, ... b] if a < b
  [a, a - 1, a - 2, ... b] if a > b
  [a]                      if a == b

toFloat(val) link
Convert a number or a string to a float

toInt(val) link
Convert a number or a string to an integer (truncates floats)

floor(n) link
Round number down

ceil(n) link
Round number up

round(n) link
Round a number to the nearest int value

asin(n) link
acos(n) link
atan(n) link
atan2(y, x) link

sin(n) link
cos(n) link
tan(n) link
ln(n) link
logBase(b, a) link
pi link
pi, to as many digits as I could remember

euler link
e, to as many digits as I could remember

abs(n) link
Get the absolute-value of a number 

pow(b, a) link
pow(b, a) = a ** b

mul(b, a) link
mul(b, a) = a * b

div(b, a) link
div(b, a) = a / b

mod(b, a) link
mod(b, a) = a % b

add(b, a) link
add(b, a) = b + a

sub(b, a) link
sub(b, a) = b - a

max(a, b) link
Get the larger of two numbers

min(a, b) link
Get the smaller of two numbers

minimum(values) link
Get the smallest number in a non-empty collection

maximum(values) link
Get the largest number in a non-empty collection

argmin(func, values) link
argmax(func, values) link