Pointless API Docs
pointless/prelude/list.ptls (source)
head(list) link
Get the first element in a list
tail(list) link
Get all elements in a list after the first
last(list) link
Get the last element in a non-empty list
slice(start, end, list) link
Get a sublist of indices [start ... (end - 1)]
concat(lists) link
Lazily concatenate a list of lists into a single list
concatMap(func, lists) link
Map a list-generating function over a list and concatenate output lists
intersperse(sep, list) link
Make a new list with sep element interted between each pervious element
repeat(elem) link
Make an infinite list of a value, repeated
take(n, list) link
Get the first n elements in an list, or the whole list of length < n
drop(n, list) link
Get the elems after the first n elems in an list or empty if length < n
takeWhile(func, list) link
Take from a list the leading elements for which func returns true
takeUntil(func, list) link
Take elements up to (including) the first for which func returns true
dropWhile(func, list) link
Drop the leading elements for which func returns true
dropUntil(func, list) link
Drop elements up to (including) the first for which func returns true
find(func, list) link
Find the first element for which func return true, or None if none exists
span(func, list) link
span(...) = (takewhile(...), dropWhile(...))
groupBy(func, list) link
Return the list of lists of consecutive values for which func(a, b) == true
reverse(list) link
Get the reverse of list
zip(a, b) link
From two lists, get a list of tuple pairs of elems from each list in order For lists [a0, a1, a2, ...], [b0, b1, b2, ...], return the list [(a0, b0), (a1, b1), (a2, b2) ...], with length limited by the length of the shorter input list
zipN(lists) link
Like zip, but for an arbitrary number of input lists
eager(list) link
Evaluate each value in a list Useful for catching errors early
isEmpty(list) link
isEmpty(list) = list == Empty
toList(iter) link
Convert iter (a list, array, set, or tuple) to a list
enumerate(list) link
For a list [a, b, c, ...] return [(0, a), (1, b), (2, c), ...]
hasPrefix(prefix, list) link
Return true if list starts with the given prefix of elements
map(func, list) link
Apply a function to each list element, make a list of the results
filter(func, list) link
Apply a test to each list element, make new list of passing elements
reduce(func, acc, list) link
Get a single value given a list, starting value, and accumulator function Starting with accumulator value acc, update acc <- func(acc, elem) for each element elem in the list example: sum(list) = reduce(0, add, list)
reduceFirst(func, list) link
Reduce a non-empty list with first element set as accumulator
scan(func, acc, list) link
Reduce a list with a given function and accumulator, returning a list of the intermediate accumulator values, including the initial value
count(elem, list) link